
Thursday, 16 April 2015

Divine collage - Dream cleanse

Crystal cleanse maintenance on miracle dream power. Rise and shine.

Divine collage on my journal.
The message:
"Crystal cleanse maintenance on miracle dream power. Rise and shine."

I have notice how I come into a process all the time I am feeling stuck in the flow of life.

There is a part of myself that needs to move through an obstacle or obstacles in order for me to move towards a dream.

A dream is about moving into the unknown.

I am sharing a few steps I use in order to get me unstuck or moving towards a dream:

Step 1: Intention:
I think of what is it that I really, really want at this very moment. I connect with my feelings.

I write an intention. An intention is an I am statement that will help me stay focus. It is my soul's deepest desire.

Now that I know my intention, I connect physically with it. For example: dancing, going for a walk or anything I feel like doing while visualizing the intention.

I do create a divine collage in order to keep me moving through this process.

Step 2: Out of my comfort zone:
I look at all areas in my life like creativity, love, health, career, etc. and notice what area needs the most of my attention.

Based on that area of my life, I ask my soul to guide me on one thing I need to do that will help me move out of my comfort zone. That one thing will help me move forward in my life.

I do create a divine collage in order to keep me moving through this process.

Step 3: Action steps:
I write down at least four things, ACTION STEPS, that can keep me moving towards that one thing from step #2.

I write down what I do believe my obstacles are on accomplishing my intention.

I write down what does my soul wants me to experience on each obstacle?

I clear out any clutter on my physical space.

I journal on how do I know when my intention has manifested.

From now on . . . I keep moving towards each action step.

I do create a divine collage in order to keep me moving through this process.

I do celebrate!!

The images from the collage are from random magazines.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

On my journal. Blood Moon Love

Blood Moon Love
Divine collage and Blood Moon Love. 

Time for change and transformation.

Time to let go of what you no longer need.



The goddess spirit in joy and happiness.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Divine collage. Today's message

Express your mood. Preserve the power of caring. Let's keep it strong and fresh.

Divine collage has become one of my daily practices. I feel very passionate about it.

It takes the lead on my every day life guiding me or on transmutation during the times of deep distress within myself.

I am sharing today's message:

"Express your mood. Preserve the power of caring. Let's keep it strong and fresh."

Relationships are essential in your live. They are a shortcut to expansion.

They reflect back the dominant vibrations within you.

Your relationships are the loudest reflections of your own vibration density present within your being. Everything that is unhealed about you is going to come to the surface in your relationships.

When a negative feeling or a low vibration feeling like sadness, guilt, fear arrives into your field they are a sign that something deep within you wants to come into the light and needs your care.

Those feelings are not to be ignored.
Acknowledging those feelings is a great way to keep alive Self love and caring for yourself. A way to renew, keep strong and fresh the relationship with yourself and others.

All relationships are a gift!

Getting into your feelings and allowing Self love:

1. Notice what is that makes you feel that way. It can be a word you might have hear from that one other person and it might have hurt your feelings. That one word is a magical key to one step deeper to your freedom into the light.

2. Acknowledge the feeling/s to yourself.

3. Focus on your body not your mind.

4. Give some love to your body. Feeling the feelings of whatever might arrive at that moment. Allowing the feelings to flow through your body.

5. Expressing yourself in anyway like DIVINE COLLAGE, painting, dancing, singing . . .

6. Journal about your experience.

7. Allow a positive word to emerge into your consciousness.

I AM LIGHT by India Arie.