
Thursday, 16 April 2015

Divine collage - Dream cleanse

Crystal cleanse maintenance on miracle dream power. Rise and shine.

Divine collage on my journal.
The message:
"Crystal cleanse maintenance on miracle dream power. Rise and shine."

I have notice how I come into a process all the time I am feeling stuck in the flow of life.

There is a part of myself that needs to move through an obstacle or obstacles in order for me to move towards a dream.

A dream is about moving into the unknown.

I am sharing a few steps I use in order to get me unstuck or moving towards a dream:

Step 1: Intention:
I think of what is it that I really, really want at this very moment. I connect with my feelings.

I write an intention. An intention is an I am statement that will help me stay focus. It is my soul's deepest desire.

Now that I know my intention, I connect physically with it. For example: dancing, going for a walk or anything I feel like doing while visualizing the intention.

I do create a divine collage in order to keep me moving through this process.

Step 2: Out of my comfort zone:
I look at all areas in my life like creativity, love, health, career, etc. and notice what area needs the most of my attention.

Based on that area of my life, I ask my soul to guide me on one thing I need to do that will help me move out of my comfort zone. That one thing will help me move forward in my life.

I do create a divine collage in order to keep me moving through this process.

Step 3: Action steps:
I write down at least four things, ACTION STEPS, that can keep me moving towards that one thing from step #2.

I write down what I do believe my obstacles are on accomplishing my intention.

I write down what does my soul wants me to experience on each obstacle?

I clear out any clutter on my physical space.

I journal on how do I know when my intention has manifested.

From now on . . . I keep moving towards each action step.

I do create a divine collage in order to keep me moving through this process.

I do celebrate!!

The images from the collage are from random magazines.

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