
Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Mother Goddess loves you. Welcome March!

Hello there!

What a powerful and strong felt Waning Moon has been for me at this time.

Triggers that emerged so strongly in a way never felt before.
They have been giving me the opportunity to look so deeply at myself in a complete different way.

And the truth is that the Goddess energy loves you. It just want to teach you.

It took me to the point where I couldn't take it any longer. I couldn't scape myself but to see the real thing.
Yes, I tried so resist it. Why you resist? Because you have no idea what to do about it in the moment.
I fought it.
In truth? It didn't work!! Instead it hit me rock bottom.

I then, faced it. I felt it with all the truth of my being, where I met the real shadow. The reality of what I didn't want to see.

Mother Goddess loves you. Welcome March!
March on my planner.
The planner has been a wonderful tool since it helps set up the tone for the whole week. Magic Love.

Week 10 on my planner.

I let go the old.
Allowing the space for the new things learned to be embraced.
Feeling the love.

I let go!

Shadows, shadows
the heart hears
Feeling the fire
allowing tears.

I let go the old!

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